Categories: Smoothie

Weight Loss Tips Plus Smoothie Recipes


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Todays show features a guest appearance of my dear friend Jane Massengill. Jane is a life coach and Gremlin Tamer.

Todays topic is weight loss and how to get out of your own way so you can create the body you want. Jane also talks about about those gremlins (the voice in our mind) that tells us what we can’t do. Being the director at the Gremlin Taming Institute Jane knows all the ways our gremlins can sabotage our best intentions.

In the second half of the video, Jane and I make smoothies with the Vemma bode protein shake. We make a vanilla version with banana and peanut butter as well as a chocolate smoothie with raspberries and blueberries all in my vitamix blender.

The bode shake can also be made with just cold water or milk for a very quick meal replacement for those on the go when you just don’t have time to make breakfast. I love how you can get a good supply of vitamins, and antioxidants with the addition of mangosteen.

The last part of the video talks about our giveaway, so don’t miss it!

Rules for giveaway:
1. Leave only one comment about your “”why” you want to lose weight.
2. We will select a random winner based on who we think gave the most sincere answer.
3. After we choose the winner, we will announce the winner in a future video or we will contact you via YouTube. (Suscribe so you don’t miss any videos)
4. The winner will have 72 hours to claim their prize after we announce the winner, after which we will choose another winner.
5. We reserve the right to change some of these details.

Rockin Robin

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Music by Kevin MacLead
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