
Beth’s Pluot Sundae with Almond Brittle Recipe

Beth’s Pluot Sundae with Almond Brittle Recipe

8 medium ripe pluots
¼ cup (50 g) sugar
1/3 cup (80 ml) water
1 tsp ( 5 ml) almond extract

1 cup (200 g) sugar
1 cup (150 g) sliced blanched almonds

Vanilla ice cream
Store bought cookies of choice


Grease a baking sheet with butter and set aside.

Heat sugar in a non-stick large skillet on medium high. DO NOT WALK AWAY! Watch the sugar until it begins to melt and dissolve. Then start to turn the pan allowing it to dissolve further. To help it along you can use a heat safe spatula to stir it.

Once sugar is all dissolved, turn off flame, add almonds and stir to coat. Transfer mixture to baking sheet to harden. Once cooled, place brittle in a plastic bag, and whack with a rolling pin to crush it a bit. Transfer to a bowl, and cover until ready to serve.

Slice pluots in half and remove the pits with a melon baller or spoon. Slice into wedges.

Place fruit in a large sauce pan. Add sugar and water. Cover and heat on medium high until boiling. Remove lids and allow water to evaporate and thicken fruit mixture. If mixture looks to dry, keep adding water for desired sauciness.

Once fruit is firm and sauce has thickened. Remove from flame and stir in almond extract (or Amaretto liquor great too!)

Scoop 1-2 scoops of vanilla ice cream into a “fancy” glass, margarita glasses work well for this!

Spoon pluot mixture over ice cream, top with almond brittle, serve with your favorite “fancy” cookies or shortbreads.


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