
Fat Loss Smoothie Recipe With Matcha Green Tea and Berries

Fat Loss Smoothie Recipe With Matcha Green Tea and Berries


Fat Loss Juice Recipe with Matcha Green Tea + Berries

How would you like to burn 30% more calories each day? Imagine your arms, hips, and your tummy with 30% less fat. Remember, this isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle, and how hard
is it to add some Matcha Green Tea to your lifestyle? Super easy. Make a Fat Loss Matcha Green Smoothie + Berries!

Here’s what’s in the smoothie:

Raspberries are among the healthiest food that proves beneficial to health. It’s rich in dense nutrient content like antioxidants, phytonutrients, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, etc.

Blackberries have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits. Anthocyanins, which give blackberries their dark color, is an antioxidant well-known for lowering the risk of a number of cancers, are a huge bonus, but be aware the berries are best consumed in their natural state to get the full benefits.

This herb has been used for thousands of years to treat nausea, headaches and even respiratory disorders. It’s also been shown to fight depression and increase brain function (even through smelling it!).

Unsweetened almond milk can be used if you are attempting to lose weight. The mono-unsaturated fat contained in almonds satisfies appetite and prevents over-eating. The dietary fiber in almonds also contributes to the sensation of being full, despite eating only a small amount.

Spinach is a very nutrient-dense food. It has an extremely high nutritional value and is rich in antioxidants. It is a good source of vitamins A, B2, C and K, and also contains magnesium, manganese, folate, iron, calcium and potassium.

Drinking Water
Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. Water Can Help Control Calories.

Matcha Green Tea
Like we said, Matcha Green Tea is an Incredible super herb that boosts immunity, increases metabolism, fights disease, lowers stress and tastes great! It is also a powerhouse of antioxidants. Antioxidants are powerful and much needed.

Fat Loss Smoothie Recipe with Matcha Green Tea Ingredients:
1 cup Raspberries
1 cup Blackberries
1 cup Blueberries
1 cup Almonds
1.5 cups Spinach
2 tbsp Matcha
2 cups Water

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